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Security and NEPAD
Conflict Management
Security and the Military
Peace and security activities prior to 1999


The GCA has always emphasized that security is a fundamental prerequisite for development in Africa, and that without peace, sustainable and broad-based development will not be possible. It is for this reason that the GCA has addressed a wide range of issues relating to peace and security, and has highlighted the linkages between political inclusion and conflict management; economic development and human security; and poverty, inequality and conflict. It has also drawn attention to new challenges to security, the importance of international partnerships to promote and maintain security, the need for long-term approaches to post-conflict reconstruction, and the relevance of a people-centered approach to security in Africa.


2004 Policy Forum - Migration and Development in Africa
TICAD Asia-Africa Trade and Investment Conference (AATIC) - Tokyo, Japan - November 1 and 2, 2004
Annual Reports
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